Friday, August 29, 2008


Americans don't know how to be hungry, especially American women. It is an amazing discovery. Not hunger for success or hunger to strive - Basic hunger. Hunger for food. We need to instantly feed ourselves the second we feel the first grumble. Shoving food into the mouths that pause the talking long enough to feed the beast.
We nourish ourselves in a way that others don't. I get that. I understand replacing human emotion and feeling with food. This starts with feeling hunger. But hover on that feeling for a moment - feel the control that you do have. Yes, that pause can be dangerous. Eating disorders empower that person who knows hunger and treats it incorrectly. I want you to embrace the pause for a moment and feel what it's like to be hungry. Is that what most of the world feels on a daily basis? Is it what some children feel before going to bed?
Feel the power you have over emotion, lust, need, willpower. Put the doughnut down. Feel the hunger and touch the moment in time where you can think about what you really need.
What is it that you need?

1 comment:

Jennille said...

Hmmm...very interesting to think about--especially as I get ready to go eat my breakfast.:)