Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day used to bring butterflies and posies
Promises of the future
The day now brings monotony and scheduled flower deliveries
Making meals, beds and less time for us
Now it's time to change the line
Reinventing butterflies and posies
Letters to your beloved of dreams and wishes
Kids in bed and time for truth
Daily love makes for closing computers 
Face to face contact
No glow of screens in-between
Pencil me in
One day doesn't compare to a lifetime
Shout your love 
Change the way
The brain needs to be coddled and televisions shut off

Lay in the land and melt into your lover

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sick Kids- When do you go in?

So my oldest is home sick, day 2, with something flu-like, minus the goo. Fever and sad lethargy - She loves to dramatize the, well everything. So it's pretty tough trying to figure out how sick is sick and when/if to take her to the doc. We are mostly homeopathic and try not to frequent the doctor too often. So the guilt and worry seems to attack when one of my munchkins is under the weather.
So I keep pushing the water and juice-cicles and without fail she gets better. But when do you go in? There's the obvious ... When the fever is high enough, when the breathing is labored, when the funk doesn't seem to go away. Typically I leave the pediatrician with an unneeded script, feeling relieved that I was right but irritated that I drug the munchkin out of bed to get poked and prodded. I also feel like we just breathed in a plethora of other nasty germs just being there. Yipes! I have learned in my mommy-hood that instincts should always be listened to but doctors are also necessary and useful when the time is right.
So back to movies on the couch with an extra large mug of tea and more snuggles with the girl.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Real Housewives of Everywhere

So I have an obsession with The Real Housewives of Everywhere right now.  Not sure what I get out of it or the damage that it does to me but I know I enjoy sidling up to my previously sleepy TV and cozying up with the remote. I think there is a direct correlation to how I’m feeling about my body, my brain and myself and how much crap-ality TV I watch. When I’m even and in love with me, I could care less about television. I don’t watch for weeks at a time. Apparently right now I’m feeling less than pleased with where the holidaze have left me. I long for the vegan goodies I’ve made with my family and find myself perusing the naughty food aisle at the market. So for now, it’s Andy Cohen and the drink throwing, cat-fighting women of gated communities everywhere.

Weekly Not Weakly

This is me now picking up my blog and wogging briskly to write weekly.. not weakly. I will get my fancy sneakers on and try to get my ass motivated. Stay tuned and keep me honest.